Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Cancer Park, Santa Rosa, Whack-a-Mole Revisited


This morning, Santa Rosa once again evicted a homeless tent camp in a public park.  Here are some photos of the beginning of the eviction.



  1. I was there and it was so sad. People being moved from one side of the park to the other for "fire Hazard" reasons. Trees, dry grass, and a light pole that had been hacked into was the reason given to me. The strange thing was the other side of the park had trees, dry grass, and hacked light poles. When I mentioned this I was told by a cop that I need to take that up with the fire department who were not there.
    What is needed is a privacy fence between the houses and the park, more toilets, showers, needle disposal box, electric power outlets, wash station, and a dumpster. Than build small homes for these people right there.

  2. Heartbreaking. All because our electeds and city officials won't allow tent and tiny home villages and safe parking. This is their handiwork, if you can call it that.
    Thank you for all the photos. I hadn't seen the park since people started camping there.
